Toll Roads   La Tinaja-Cosoleacaque Highway

Phase one of this work started at La Tinaja and ran to Acayucan. Construction began in 1991 and was completed in 1993.

It consisted of earthworks, drainage works, pavement, additional works, and signage, in a body with a 69-foot crown, to accommodate four lanes with highway shoulders and a median strip on flat ground and soft hills in two bodies separated by 34 feet each, for a total length of 175 miles.

Phase two consisted of the Acayucan-Cosoleacaque section measuring 57.6 miles long. Construction on this section began in 1992 and was completed in 1995. It consists of terraces, drainage works, pavement, additional works, and signage, in a body with a 69-foot crown, to accommodate four lanes with highway shoulders and a median strip measuring 2.6 feet wide.

GMD operated both sections of this highway until 1998.

This highway is 233 miles long.
Roadway Projects
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